In 2009, after our failed attempt to get to Bonaire, we decided to do a 'photography vacation' and decided on going to the coast of Maine. It is now 2020 as we create this trip report. We didn't get around to developing the pictures for many years, and then we always had some other priority other than this report. But it seems like it is appropriate to finally create a report for this trip. It was a trend-setter, after all. This was our first official photography vacation, which we now try to do very year.
We drove from our Thanksgiving gathering in Maine up to Brooklin, Maine and the appropriately names Brooklin Inn.
Chip Angell and his wife Gail run the inn. There is a restaurant and a basement pub there, both open to and patronized by more than just the inn guests.
We stayed in Room #2.
They had a wooden lobsterman statue behind the inn; it looks like one of those chain-saw carvings.
On our first day (Sunday), we went to nearby Deer Isle, taking a scenic drive over. Here Paul is standing at the edge of a blueberry field.
On Deer Isle, we took a walk on Scott's Landing, which is at the causeway between Little Deer Isle and Deer Isle.
We continued to explore Deer Isle. We made a nice discovery, Nervous Nellies Jams. It is actually run by a woman named Ann,; not sure we got the story on why she called it Nervous Nellie's. The jams are not inexpensive, but are excellent. The Blue-Razz, using wild Maine blueberries, is particularly good. Unfortunately, no pictures to show you from this stop. But nearby (which is why we went that way) is Edgar M Tennis Preserve, which has an excellent walk around a peninsula.
We had a late lunch in Stonington, at the tip of the island, and ate with a storybook Maine coastal town view.
Time for page 2 ...
Updated August 2020