We had a lovely gathering of the Diotalevi families. Laura & Emil hosted us all. Most of the pictures here are candids, with a few group photographs towards the end (see page 2). Please note, these are reduced quality pictures. The full quality ones can be found in a zipped file over on our other site.
We were fortunate to have lovely weather. The humidity had broken, and the rain held off. Our lovely hostess was busy all day.
Matt, Matt, and Fallyn (with Pat and Tommy in the background).
Not sure what was funny, but Justin (back to us) probably said something funny. Ron, Laura, and Jeff think so anyway.
Matt and Paul (who has the camera out, obviously).
Yes, Jeff is taller than his father.
Matt and Tiff. Matt was probably looking at their adorable dog Rex.
And here are some shots of Rex:
He was a big hit with everyone, but particularly our youngest members, Emily and Lila. Here is Emily with Rex.
Bobby, his girlfriend Denise, and Aunt Jean enjoy some lunch under the tent.
A couple more people join the group (Donna and Ron).
Emily takes after her father, a bit of a ham when it comes to pictures.
Lila is looking a bit serious here.
Mom (that would be Aunt Nancy to some of you) taking a quick breather.
It didn't last very long, before the conversations started up again. Bobby, as usual, told stories and spun tales.
Aunt Jean decided to join in.
Jason, his girlfriend Brittany, and Dave have a chat over some fried chicken.
More admiration of Rex, this time from Matt (although he is a bit biased), Pat, and Heather.
Something was funny.
Bean Bag Toss was popular. Here Matt M & Jeff are trying their hands at it ...
against Justin and Matt H.
Jason and his Uncle Dave.
This is plenty for the 1st page, so on to a new one.
Updated July 2020