Newport, RI has a real outdoor treasure in it's Cliff Walk. This goes along the ocean and the historic mansions. Since we had not done the walk, we decided to try it. So we took a vacation day and went on Friday June 22nd, which was a lovely day for it.
We started at '40 Steps', which misses the very 1st part of the walk. But the parking at the very beginning is rather expensive, and we were able to park for free at 40 Steps. This is right near the beautiful campus of Salve Regina University. Walking down those 40 steps, and if you are adventurous down a few additional rocks, gives a great view of the water and cliff edge.
We continued from there to the very end of the Cliff Walk. (Inserting a picture from the very end of the walk here:)
Of course, we passed many mansions along the way. We returned along Bellevue Avenue, and got to see the other side of the mansions, plus a few additional ones. Here are pictures of a few. The 1st Ochre Courts. The next is Vineland. The next is the famous Vanderbilt house, The Breakers. (There aren't any labels on the ocean side of the houses, so it is sometimes difficult to know which house is which.)
This next house is Beechwood Mansion. It is the only one that invited walkers from the Cliff Walk to come in and join the tours. I thought that was a great idea.
This cool tree was out back of the Vineland Mansion.
There are many flowers along the way. They are enjoyed by the walkers, insects, and birds. (I'm not positive if these are beach plums or salt roses.)
We saw a couple of 'extra curricular' items during our walk as well. A clipper-style (?) sailing boat was moving along the harbor. Here are three views: one with sails furled, one with the crew in the riggings, and one with the sails open.
And there is a Coast Guard station near by. They must have been doing some training. A helicopter flew out over the water, and practiced hovering in one spot. You can see the water spray kicked up by the blades.
Now I'd like to show you some pictures of our next house. I don't know what this one is called. It's at the southern end of the walk. This house has almost a country cottage look, except it's a really big cottage.
Meanwhile, though, we will settle for some landscaping at our current house. Check out the gate and fountain we are going to add.
On a more serious landscaping note, I love this bush (blue spruce, I'm assuming). Now that I know it can be a bush, I would like to put them in front of our house in the spots where we lost a couple bushes. These pictures were taken on our walk back along Bellevue Ave.
Updated July 2020