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Rock Village Website banner picture, a rocky area with cairns

Christmas 2006

Christmas day we went up to Laura's house. The decoration contingent met us:

Large Christmas Decorations

(Well, actually, Paul staged this picture slightly. The snowman wasn't really blocking the stairs.)

A few Christmas scene / mood pictures, including my sweater, as promised.

Mom and Laura by tree

Anne and Mom on sofa

Fireplace Decorations

Grandma and her grandchildren:Grandma and her grandchildren:

Grandma and Grandchildren

Despite my efforts, Jeff didn't smile for the posed picture, although I did make it more difficult to Paul to take the picture.

And here is the annual picture of Ron sleeping:

Ron dozing

Dinner: this is in-between the soup course and the ravioli course, I think. And before the desert, which included much more than just the cupcakes shown in this picture.

in the kitchen

And we will leave Connecticut with some pictures of Lexi. She has an after-meal routine where she rubs against the sofa and sneezes; Paul got some action shots.


Lexi sneezing

Now let's head north, to our .

Updated July 2020